Untitled (Miami, 2002)
This acrylic on raw linen captures a fleeting, joyful moment from a life-changing week in March 2002. Painted in just two days, the vibrant and spontaneous brushstrokes reflect the energy and warmth of the kids who attended the afterschool and summer program I founded in Miami in 1995. The painting draws from three photographs for reference, merging them into a dynamic composition full of smiles, bright colors, and playful details that celebrate the vibrancy of Miami—a city I deeply love.
The raw linen surface gives the piece a tactile immediacy, while the “one-shot” technique speaks to the urgency of capturing something true and unpolished. Each face is a memory, a story, a reflection of the life and love that this program brought into my world.
This painting, my last for a while, marked a turning point in my journey. After spending a week volunteering and reconnecting with the program in 2002, I returned home with a renewed sense of purpose. By September, I had begun my career as a first-year teacher in Washington, DC. This artwork stands as both a celebration of the past and a bridge to the future—a testament to the power of service, connection, and creativity.